The bulbs are coming, the bulbs are coming!

Spring is in sight.  The depths of winter are losing their grasp with the warmer days.  We had a gorgeous day this past Sunday.  Warm sun was winning the battle against the snow.  I was pottering about with opening the greenhouse and doing transplanting when I noticed that our garden was waking up.

Spring bulbs 1 2013

I was so excited to see the bulbs coming up!

Spring Bulbs 2 2013

I did a bit of weeding but the ground is still very squishy so it was awkward crouching down to weed.  Don’t want to compact the soil!

Spring bulbs 3 2013

In this little plot we planted tulips, daffodils, and crocuses.

Spring Bulbs 4 2013

Won’t be long now before more of the garden will start stirring.  Of course the rest of the snow needs to melt. 🙂


17 thoughts on “The bulbs are coming, the bulbs are coming!

  1. We have snowdrops blooming in the lawn just outside the house – despite temperatures hitting -12C overnight and snow still in piles on shaded side of the street! Spring is coming!

  2. Wonderful to see, isn’t it? I saw the first glimmer of green here, too. I need to clear the flower beds now but everything is so wet. Hopefully tomorrow.

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