Apple Jam

When I did my daughter’s birthday cake I used apple jam for the filling.  My son immediately requested this for his cake.  Of course I used the last of it back in February.  Luckily this is really easy to make.  All you need is a half hour or so and presto!  You have jam.  🙂

I like to make my apple jam like apple pie.  The best part of apple pie are the spices.

You can also use up apples that might be nearing the “past it” stage, this way they don’t go to waste.  I chopped up 5 apples for this as it was only for a cake.  If I want to can I use a ton of apples.

Apple Jam 2 2013

In a medium sauce pan I simmered the apples with about a cup of apple cider.

Apple jam 3 2013

As it starts to reduce I add my spices.  This time I added some cinnamon and nutmeg with a bit of ground clove.   Add the spices you want as this if very much subject to taste.

Apple jam 4 2013

It needs to simmer long enough to break down the apples and to soften.  I do use a potato masher to help things along a bit.  Who said patience was a virtue?  🙂

Apple jam 5 2013 Apple jam 6 2013

It’s done when it has the rustic jam look and it has darkened a bit. Remove from the heat and cool.  This is also great in homemade tarts.  🙂

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